Credits and Conditions of use
Stella Blanc ® is a registered trademark by BM Srl Unipersonale – VAT IT03084340730. All rights reserved.
WebSite by Nicola De Fazio
Photos by Daniele Rizzi
Terms of use
Updates to the terms of use
For technical and legal innovations’ updating , we often have to modify and / or update the terms of use. so please check it every time you loaded the latest version.
The last update was carried out in November 2014.
All our website contents, including texts, images, graphic, audio and video files are our property, except for explicit stated. These contents are protected by copyright so they can be taken without permission for private use only, that is not public or for commercial purposes (download, copy).
Modifications, translations, or any other editing or processing of these can be made only with previous written permission of the author. It is forbidden the use of any content not authorized by the author. Please note that any infringement to a copyright may have consequences for civilian/ criminal penalties.
Disclaimer notice
This site includes links to websites of other providers for which we are not aware of the contents of third party sites and we don’t assume warranties or liabilities for illegal contents or other infringements on third party sites.
The information contained in this website has been compiled and checked with the greatest care. In despite, we cannot take responsibility for their relevance, accuracy, completeness and / or quality, as well as a guarantee for any actions taken based on the information on this site.
The use of this website and its information is at your own risk. We don’t assume no liability for damages, in particular to the data, hardware and / or software resulting from such use.